Did you know this about paddings?


If you cycle regularly, you know that a good pair of cycling shorts can make a world of difference. The padding plays a crucial role in that. It ensures that you are comfortably seated in the saddle, which is exactly what you want.

What is a padding?

There is a lot to say about padding, but let's start at the beginning. So what exactly is padding? Padding is the thicker part of cycling shorts around the crotch area, designed to absorb shocks and vibrations during cycling. The padding provides comfort and prevents friction between your skin and the saddle. Good padding can make the difference between a comfortable and painful ride. It is very important!


What is the purpose of a padding?

Padding provides several benefits. Firstly, it enhances comfort during cycling, allowing you to ride longer and farther without discomfort in your seating area. Secondly, it prevents friction between your skin and the saddle, which can cause irritation and even chafing. Good padding helps to prevent this. Lastly, the padding absorbs shocks and vibrations during cycling, reducing the strain on your body and decreasing the risk of injuries.

Which padding is the best padding?

Choosing the right padding can be challenging as it depends on various factors such as your body type, cycling position, and the type of cyclist you are. It is essential to try out different padding options and see which one suits you best.


What types of padding are available?

There are different types of padding, ranging from thin and lightweight options for road cyclists to thicker and heavier ones for mountain bikers. Some paddings are specifically designed for women, with slightly different shaping and positioning of the padding. There are also paddings with varying densities, allowing you to find the right balance between comfort and support.

At Rogelli, we offer various types of paddings to cater to different cyclists and body types. Firstly, we have different paddings for women and men. Additionally, you can choose between padding with gel inserts or one that consists entirely of foam. Each option has its own advantages.

Padding with gel and foam

A padding with gel inserts provides extra cushioning and support. This is suitable for long distances or for cyclists who are a bit heavier and need some additional support. Some cyclists also prefer a padding with gel inserts for winter riding, as a thicker pad can provide extra warmth. Additionally, these paddings are particularly suitable for mountain bikers.

Padding with only foam

While cyclists often opt for paddings with gel inserts in the winter, for the summer, a padding made entirely of foam may be preferred. A foam padding tends to absorb moisture more easily, allowing optimal sweat evaporation. Additionally, foam paddings are generally thinner, providing more comfort during the summer. It's worth noting that even a thin foam padding can still offer optimal support. For example, our EVO-1 padding is a high-quality padding made entirely of foam.

Do you want to know more about paddings? Take a look at our padding page.
