Tips for fighting tan lines: how to get rid of them or avoid them?

07 juli 2022

We all know them: the tan lines. You've had a great day's exercise in the sun and when you get home you discover that your arms and legs are beautifully colored, right up to the point where the clothing started. Bummer, because with a different kind of shirt or dress they suddenly become very visible. How can you get rid of them? And even better, how can you avoid them? We will give you some tips so you can enjoy the distance without a care and come back with a beautiful evenly colored skin!


Getting rid of them

Prevention is better than cure, but sometimes it is too late to prevent them and you have already fallen victim to the tan lines. But not to worry! There are a number of solutions you can apply when you do have the lines, and we have listed them for you:
1. Lemon scrub
2. Soda
3. Self-tanner/Bronzer
4. Potatoes
5. Cucumber

(Lemon) scrub

Scrubbing gets rid of all dead skin cells, which can make your tan lines a lot less visible. A perfect exfoliant is lemon. This fruit is a natural exfoliant. So when you mix the lemon juice with some sugar and a bit of honey, it is the perfect scrub! It takes about 20 minutes to work into your skin and then you can rinse it off.



A soda mask could also be a good way to get rid of your tan lines. It's great for cleaning, but it can also fade your tan lines! Mix baking soda with some water, and stir until you have a mushy substance. Spread this on the area of your skin that you want to fade and then give it 15 minutes to absorb. Then wash it off your skin and you will see that the tanlines are much less!


If you still can't get rid of your tan lines, there are always products that can hide your skin, so that the color difference is no longer visible. A self-tanner is a good example of this, but also bronzer can help to cover the light spots, so you can go out without a care! It may not be the most ideal option, but it's always better than nothing. It is important to apply self-tanner to your whole body, not just to the white areas. This way you get the best result.



Perhaps one of the oddest options in this list, but potatoes are a proven cure for tan lines. Vitamin C actually lightens the skin, and so a potato can help against tan lines. The easiest way is to slice the potato or mix it into a paste and then apply it to your skin. Then let it soak in for half an hour and you should see the results!


As with potatoes, it is the amount of vitamin C that a cucumber brings that ensures that the vegetable could help against tanlines. In addition, a cucumber has numerous other moisturizing properties, making it very suitable as a lightening technique. Just like with potatoes, slice the cucumber or make a paste of it and put it on the skin. Leave this on for 20 minutes and then rinse it off and moisturize your skin.



Are you not at all interested in all those ways to reduce or get rid of tan lines and would rather just be one step ahead of them? Then there are a number of solutions you can apply to prevent you from having to deal with tan lines in the first place:
1. Greasing up with sunscreen
2. Sleeveless shirts

Greasing up with sunscreen

Yes, very simple, but oh so important. Treating yourself well with sunscreen, and we mean really well, can prevent uneven patches and help you avoid those annoying tan lines. So make sure you properly rub each spot, so you can enjoy a ride in the sun without any concerns!


Sleeveless shirts

Of course we realize that it really doesn't completely prevent tan lines, but they certainly do move things along a bit. This way you can still wear that nice T-shirt or dress to that one party or to the terrace without worrying, for example. Because you enjoy the distance in a sleeveless cycling or running shirt, such as the Harmony, Jake and June, your entire arms will be nicely colored and you won't be bothered by tanlines halfway your arm!

Tips for fighting tan lines: how to get rid of them or avoid them?

07 juli 2022

We all know them: the tan lines. You've had a great day's exercise in the sun and when you get home you discover that your arms and legs are beautifully colored, right up to the point where the clothing started. Bummer, because with a different kind of shirt or dress they suddenly become very visible. How can you get rid of them? And even better, how can you avoid them? We will give you some tips so you can enjoy the distance without a care and come back with a beautiful evenly colored skin!


Getting rid of them

Prevention is better than cure, but sometimes it is too late to prevent them and you have already fallen victim to the tan lines. But not to worry! There are a number of solutions you can apply when you do have the lines, and we have listed them for you:
1. Lemon scrub
2. Soda
3. Self-tanner/Bronzer
4. Potatoes
5. Cucumber


(Lemon) scrub

Scrubbing gets rid of all dead skin cells, which can make your tan lines a lot less visible. A perfect exfoliant is lemon. This fruit is a natural exfoliant. So when you mix the lemon juice with some sugar and a bit of honey, it is the perfect scrub! It takes about 20 minutes to work into your skin and then you can rinse it off.



A soda mask could also be a good way to get rid of your tan lines. It's great for cleaning, but it can also fade your tan lines! Mix baking soda with some water, and stir until you have a mushy substance. Spread this on the area of your skin that you want to fade and then give it 15 minutes to absorb. Then wash it off your skin and you will see that the tanlines are much less!



If you still can't get rid of your tan lines, there are always products that can hide your skin, so that the color difference is no longer visible. A self-tanner is a good example of this, but also bronzer can help to cover the light spots, so you can go out without a care! It may not be the most ideal option, but it's always better than nothing. It is important to apply self-tanner to your whole body, not just to the white areas. This way you get the best result.



Perhaps one of the oddest options in this list, but potatoes are a proven cure for tan lines. Vitamin C actually lightens the skin, and so a potato can help against tan lines. The easiest way is to slice the potato or mix it into a paste and then apply it to your skin. Then let it soak in for half an hour and you should see the results!



As with potatoes, it is the amount of vitamin C that a cucumber brings that ensures that the vegetable could help against tanlines. In addition, a cucumber has numerous other moisturizing properties, making it very suitable as a lightening technique. Just like with potatoes, slice the cucumber or make a paste of it and put it on the skin. Leave this on for 20 minutes and then rinse it off and moisturize your skin.



Are you not at all interested in all those ways to reduce or get rid of tan lines and would rather just be one step ahead of them? Then there are a number of solutions you can apply to prevent you from having to deal with tan lines in the first place:
1. Greasing up with sunscreen
2. Sleeveless shirts


Greasing up with sunscreen

Yes, very simple, but oh so important. Treating yourself well with sunscreen, and we mean really well, can prevent uneven patches and help you avoid those annoying tan lines. So make sure you properly rub each spot, so you can enjoy a ride in the sun without any concerns!


Sleeveless shirts

Of course we realize that it really doesn't completely prevent tan lines, but they certainly do move things along a bit. This way you can still wear that nice T-shirt or dress to that one party or to the terrace without worrying, for example. Because you enjoy the distance in a sleeveless cycling or running shirt, such as the Harmony, Jake and June, your entire arms will be nicely colored and you won't be bothered by tanlines halfway your arm!