Enjoy mindful moments on the bike. Enjoy cycling as a moment of peace and reflection. A moment for yourself where you can let go of everything. Your moment.

Sports don't always have to be about pushing yourself to the limit. You don't always have to perform at your best. Sometimes, you can simply enjoy it.

Cycling is the perfect sport to check in with yourself. How do you feel physically? How do you feel mentally? What thoughts come to mind? In the hustle and bustle of today's society, a moment of peace on the bike can be a breath of fresh air. Literally and figuratively.


Mindful Cycling Netherlands

In collaboration with Mindful Cycling Netherlands, we have put together some practical tips for cyclists who want to experience mindful moments on their road bike. The more relaxed you are on the bike, the more you can enjoy it. Curious? Check out the video below!


Sports and Breathing

The chances are high that your breathing frequency is quite high during a busy day, even if you are not engaging in very intense physical activity. What actually constitutes good breathing, and what benefits does proper breathing provide during and after sports?

Rogelli spoke with breathing coach Maarten de Jong to explore these questions. De Jong helps people to achieve more energy, less stress, and better sleep through breathing techniques. He shares his knowledge and experience, as well as tips and breathing exercises that you can start using right away.


Enjoy mindful moments on the bike. Enjoy cycling as a moment of peace and reflection. A moment for yourself where you can let go of everything. Your moment.

Sports don't always have to be about pushing yourself to the limit. You don't always have to perform at your best. Sometimes, you can simply enjoy it.

Cycling is the perfect sport to check in with yourself. How do you feel physically? How do you feel mentally? What thoughts come to mind? In the hustle and bustle of today's society, a moment of peace on the bike can be a breath of fresh air. Literally and figuratively.


Rogelli X Mindful Cycling Nederland

In collaboration with Mindful Cycling Nederland, we have put together some practical tips for cyclists who want to experience mindful moments on their road bike. The more relaxed you are on the bike, the more you can enjoy it. Curious? Check out the video below!


Sport en ademhaling

De kans is groot dat jouw ademfrequentie vrij hoog ligt gedurende een drukke dag. En dat terwijl je misschien niet eens heel intensief beweegt. Wat is eigenlijk een goede ademhaling? En wat voor voordelen levert een goede ademehaling voor, tijdens en na het sporten op? Rogelli ging in gesprek met ademcoach Maarten de Jong. Hij helpt mensen door middel van ademhaling aan meer energie, minder stress en betere slaap. Hij deelt zijn kennis en ervaring én geeft tips en ademenhalingsoefeningen waarje direct mee aan de slag kan. 

Sports and Breathing

The chances are high that your breathing frequency is quite high during a busy day, even if you are not engaging in very intense physical activity. What actually constitutes good breathing, and what benefits does proper breathing provide during and after sports?

Rogelli spoke with breathing coach Maarten de Jong to explore these questions. De Jong helps people to achieve more energy, less stress, and better sleep through breathing techniques. He shares his knowledge and experience, as well as tips and breathing exercises that you can start using right away.