Enjoy the climb. Enjoy the challenge of a steep climb. Aim for the top to bring out the best in yourself. Feel your muscles burning, that's cycling! Getting a little better each time. And what's a better training than a steep climb?


Enjoy the climb to the fullest

6 tips

Even those with the best fitness and strongest legs can struggle with climbing. If you have the right approach and use the right technique, the chances of reaching the top increase significantly. With these 6 tips, you'll enjoy cycling even more during a steep climb!

  1. Cycle in a sturdy posture

With an open chest and a straight back, you ensure that your lungs are filled to the maximum. This is very important to transport blood with fresh oxygen to your legs. Relaxing your arms helps with this, your elbows then take more distance from your hips. When standing up, shift to a heavier gear and keep your buttocks above the saddle. Don't lean too much forward, this reduces the weight on the rear wheel and may cause it to slip. Let your bike sway gently from left to right, but not too much, so you can fully enjoy the climb.

  1. Don't start too hard

When starting the climb, you want to reach the top of the mountain. Remember this! Start at a low pace at the bottom of the mountain. As you get closer to the top, you can increase the pace slightly. This way, you'll cycle past everyone who started the climb too enthusiastically.

  1. Start the climb on a full stomach

Make sure to give yourself a good energy boost at the bottom of the climb, so you can attack the mountain. You'll notice that this is beneficial for your physical and mental health. In addition, it's important that your body receives a good amount of fluid, to prevent overheating for example. Moreover, it's easier to do this while cycling on relatively flat roads than on steep mountain roads.

  1. Make use of your upper body

If you are doing well on the climb but the road is so steep that you are almost standing still, let your upper body assist your legs. By pressing your elbows into your sides and pushing your upper body towards your handlebars, you can pull on your handlebars with each pedal stroke. This way, you transfer power from your upper body to your legs and can gain more speed.

  1. Combine a relaxed technique with positive thinking

Approaching the start of the climb? Think of light thoughts. Think of things that lighten your thoughts. Gradually relax the rest of your body. Release unnecessary tension, especially in the shoulders. They should be down and your hands should hold the handlebars loosely. Make sure you sit quietly on your bike and keep your upper body still, even when standing on the pedals.

  1. Provide visual support

During a long steep climb, it is not uncommon to get a mental blow. The pain in the heavy legs and gasping for air is hard for everyone. It's all the more important to be able to get extra motivation. Make sure to stick a photo of a loved one, an inspiring message, or something that motivates you on the top tube of your bike. This is a technique even used by professional cyclists!

Bron: Bicycling 


Exercise 1: BIRD DOG



1. Assume a position on hands and knees. Shoulders above your wrists. Knees under your hips.

2. Extend one arm and the opposite leg. Return to the starting position and repeat. Alternate between left and right.


1. Take a kettlebell in one hand. Shift your weight to the opposite leg.

2. Bring the kettlebell towards the ground while lifting the opposite leg up until it is parallel to the ground. Return to the starting position and repeat.


6 tips

Enjoy the climb to the fullest

Even those with the best fitness and strongest legs can struggle with climbing. If you have the right approach and use the right technique, the chances of reaching the top increase significantly. With these 6 tips, you'll enjoy cycling even more during a steep climb!

  1. Cycle in a sturdy posture

With an open chest and a straight back, you ensure that your lungs are filled to the maximum. This is very important to transport blood with fresh oxygen to your legs. Relaxing your arms helps with this, your elbows then take more distance from your hips. When standing up, shift to a heavier gear and keep your buttocks above the saddle. Don't lean too much forward, this reduces the weight on the rear wheel and may cause it to slip. Let your bike sway gently from left to right, but not too much, so you can fully enjoy the climb.

  1. Don't start too hard

When starting the climb, you want to reach the top of the mountain. Remember this! Start at a low pace at the bottom of the mountain. As you get closer to the top, you can increase the pace slightly. This way, you'll cycle past everyone who started the climb too enthusiastically.

  1. Start the climb on a full stomach

Make sure to give yourself a good energy boost at the bottom of the climb, so you can attack the mountain. You'll notice that this is beneficial for your physical and mental health. In addition, it's important that your body receives a good amount of fluid, to prevent overheating for example. Moreover, it's easier to do this while cycling on relatively flat roads than on steep mountain roads.

  1. Make use of your upper body

If you are doing well on the climb but the road is so steep that you are almost standing still, let your upper body assist your legs. By pressing your elbows into your sides and pushing your upper body towards your handlebars, you can pull on your handlebars with each pedal stroke. This way, you transfer power from your upper body to your legs and can gain more speed.

  1. Combine a relaxed technique with positive thinking

Approaching the start of the climb? Think of light thoughts. Think of things that lighten your thoughts. Gradually relax the rest of your body. Release unnecessary tension, especially in the shoulders. They should be down and your hands should hold the handlebars loosely. Make sure you sit quietly on your bike and keep your upper body still, even when standing on the pedals.

  1. Provide visual support

During a long steep climb, it is not uncommon to get a mental blow. The pain in the heavy legs and gasping for air is hard for everyone. It's all the more important to be able to get extra motivation. Make sure to stick a photo of a loved one, an inspiring message, or something that motivates you on the top tube of your bike. This is a technique even used by professional cyclists!

Bron: Bicycling.nl